”Songs from the Woods” is the first Landart Symposium hold in Trollhättan, Gamle dal, old lock area. The artists were invited to work and live together for two weeks, exploring the forest in Gamle dal, get to know eachother and exchanging knowledge in seminaries during the evenings. The artpieces that were made are on display at the site during the autumn and here on film.
The artists participating are:
Greta Kardi (LT)
Ingrid Ogenstedt (SE/DE)
Anna Widén (SE/NO)
Wolfgang Buntrock (DE)
Karl Chilkott (SE)
After 31 oct, the landartpieces that hold will stay and decompost.
Gamle Dal is a site with great historic and contemporary importance for life and innovation in Trollhättan. The southern part of the sluice route, a fundamental function for shipping and trade, meet the dramatic Göta älv supplying the industry with energy and the sublime landscape closely connected with the identity of Trollhättan. Land Art is created on site with the conditions of the landscape and the material of the forest. Five artists are gathered from Northern Europe to create Land Art on the conditions of the landscape and with the materials on site. For two weeks you can follow the process in Gamle Dal, Trollhättan.
Project concept: The name“Songs from the Woods” is taken from the tradition of the Aboriginal people in Australia; that instead of maps for remembering, have meandering songlines to find their way through the landscape. To tell the woods, to sing it´s song, is a way to engage with the surrounding forest and celebrate the wonder and gentle presence of it. Since we are invited to renew the trails and reawaken the knowledge of this part of Gamle Dal, we think that new songs and traditions will be made by your works in the landscape. The pieces we are inviting the artists to do will be the first “songs” from this particular woodland.
Annelie Wallin (SE) artist and curator for this project.
Land Art, Songs from the Woods, is a collaboration between the City of Trollhättan and the art consultants Agneta Stening and Anna Eggert.
DOWNLOAD A MAP HERE: https://www.trollhattan.se/konsthallen/arets-utstallningar/landart/